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Richie Allyn

Unloading, Regrouping and Recovering in Costa Rica

April 18, 2021 and I was sitting in the San Jose airport waiting for my covid test results to post so I can board my flight. My test was scheduled at 11:40am and my return flight back to the states was at 2:40pm. I approached the check in desk to reschedule my flight, since it was already 2pm and I did not receive my test results. All morning I had been saying how I didn't want to leave and how much I loved it here. Well, my results posted at 2:20pm (negative) and my new flight was now at 5:27am the next day. I definitely got what I asked for. Another night in Costa Rica, but this time, all by myself.

April 18, 2021 and we have two more weeks left in April, yet I feel like I've done so much within this month already. I feel like this month was long as hell. Earlier in the month I was contemplating quitting my job (which is a reoccurring thought every month). This month was different: both my supervisor and director quit, leaving me and my other coworker under "new management." I was stuck because I felt like this was my time to leave as well, but I also felt as though I wasn't ready. What the hell was I going to do? Find another job? Work for myself? Sis has real life bills now which is why I have yet to take that leap. Between trying to decide what my next career move would be, to deciding when to launch my website and my other businesses, I was stressed. I honestly could not wait until my trip to Costa Rica. This would have been my sister and I second time out of the country and my first time out of the country with my other sister/friend. Fast forward to a day before the trip: my sister, Taylor, cancelled due to her not feeling well, which led me to having to do my hair by myself: feed in braids with a full set on. I honestly think I had about 5 breakdowns in the bathroom, but none of them had nothing to do with the struggle to do my hair. I was just stressed, my cycle was going off, and my sister (Taylor ), who usually keeps me grounded, cancelled the trip last minute. I think my breakdowns had a lot to do with me being overwhelmed and stressed. Things are changing and moving fast and I'm trying to stay afloat while also keeping a level head.

Costa Rica was exactly what I needed. I've NEVER felt so at peace. It rained most of my trip, but I honestly didn't care. I was in another country and all of my worries were left back home. We stayed in a hotel in the jungle and it was an experience. Going to sleep and waking up to the rain and the sounds of the animals in the jungle was serene. I was clam, my mind was calm, my body was calm. I even meditated one morning outside and nothing could compare to the feeling. It's nothing like being in nature, calming your thoughts, relaxing your mind (much better than meditating to the Nature Sounds playlist). There were times during my trip where I was traveling alone, and although I was very aware, I was not nervous. Something about Costa Rica made me feel relaxed. Maybe it was the natives. They made the trip worthwhile as well. They were nice, helpful, genuine and I made tons of friends down there who I am still in contact with since.

It was nice to take a break from the chaos in the States. To be in a place of just bliss. It sounds cliché but that's exactly how it felt. Everyone was doing their own thing, everything was simple, a complete 180 from what it's like back home. Sometimes you just need a break from everything. I can honestly say that I've found my second home and I can't wait to go back.


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