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Richie Allyn

This Resting Season

A few weeks ago, I came across this TikTok of a girl explaining how that whenever God has you in a resting period, to actually REST. She goes onto explaining how there are seasons where everything seems stagnant and where it might feel like we’re not moving at the pace we want to. But this season is preparing us for our busy season, where things start to take off. During that season is when we actually start to appreciate our resting season.

She was in a resting season for over a year and during her phase, she found little projects to keep her busy (due to her being a workaholic). She mentioned how she was chasing for jobs and opportunities and wondering why things weren’t happening for her right then and there. Then she realized, it was because things weren’t meant to happen for her right then and there. Instead of relaxing, she was forcing things to go her way. To sum it up, once that season was over and she began a new season, she realized how tired she was.

TikTok has a funny way of putting videos that you NEED to see on your “for you page.” That video couldn’t have come at a better time. I really feel like she was screaming at me in that video. I too am used to the constant movement of things. I’m used to doing 20 things at once, so now that I’m not so busy and actually have the time to rest and be in the present, it feels weird. I don’t necessarily feel as though I’m missing out, but I do feel as though I should be doing more. But then I always have to remind myself to actually sit and look at the things I’m currently doing and have done so far. It’s so important to be in the PRESENT, the RIGHT NOW. We, as a society are so accustomed to chasing the next thing, no matter how big or small it is. We don’t really prioritize rest the way we should, which is why so many of us experience burnout.

I’m for sure in my resting season and it’s uncomfortable as hell. Like the girl on TikTok, sometimes I find myself trying to figure out new ways to keep myself busy, when I know for a FACT that I’m meant to be resting. The past few weeks, I’ve been learning to take my time and really enjoy where I’m at currently. It’s hard, but I know I’m right where I need to be. So cheers to this resting season!



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